Thursday, December 3, 2020

Extrusion Coating Lamination


Extrusion coating is the coating of a synthetic resin molten strip and extruding it through a flat die on a substrate. Combining two inexpensive materials to make a higher performance product adds value and utility. It is a flexible coating technique used for applying various economic plastics, including polyethylene, on cardboard , corrugated cardboard , paper, aluminum foil, cellulose, nonwoven fabrics, or plastic films.

The objective of extrusion coating is to combine the best properties of each material into a third product that can perform a function neither of the individual products can do on their own.

 Potential value-added functionality might be;

• Heat sealability for packaging applications

• Improved tear or crease resistance

• Better barrier properties to water or oxygen and other gases

• Improved appearance

• Additional chemical resistance

• Improved printing or decorating ability

In extrusion coating operations often use high melt temperatures to lower the melt viscosity. This improves coating thickness uniformity and adhesion to substrate. Adhesion depends on;

• Resin melt temperature

• Resin viscosity (the reason high temperatures are used)

• Film/substrate compatibility

• Coating speed

• Coating thickness

Typically an adhesive is a material that will chemically bond to both surfaces. The adhesive could be the top layer in coextruded film that is compatible with the substrate, producing good adhesion. A water or solvent based adhesive can be applied to the substrate prior to the preheat drum. The substrate can pass through a corona or plasma treatment to allow improved wettability and adhesion of inks, coatings and adhesives.

As a result, the materials treated will demonstrate improved printing and coating quality, and stronger lamination strength.

Defects in the coating that can render the coated product useless are;

• Voids

• Pinholes

• Thick or thin coating in the machine direction

• Orange peel

• Contamination due to gels or foreign material

Voids are caused by poor adhesion between the coating and substrate, where the two materials are not properly bound together.

Pinholes are tiny holes in the coating. Pinholes may be caused by excessively high coating speeds that are drawing the polymer melt too much.

The other defects such as gels, oxidized or burnt particles and orange peel are the result of poor extrusion conditions or raw material supply.

Lamination is similar to extrusion coating with the exception that two substrates are added to each side of the extruded film.

This can be considered a three-ply process, with two substrates and a molten film. If the film is produced on a coextrusion line, it can have multiple layers.

It is essential to consider maximum winding tension for laminated structures. For that simply add the tensions for the different webs that have been laminated together and usually disregarding any coating or adhesives between the webs and apply the sum of these tensions as the winding tension for the laminate.

The individual webs need to be tensioned before they are laminated so that the elongation of the web due to web tension will be approximately equal for each web. If one web is strained significantly more than the other web, then, when they are laminated, curl problems or delamination wrinkling known as "tunneling" can occur in the laminated webs. The amount of tension should be a ratio of the modulus and the web thickness to prevent curl and/or tunneling after lamination process.

The futures of laminates applications are virtually limitless. The combination of different materials and their positive features will meet almost every specific requirement.

Applications for extrusion coating and lamination include the following:

• Film lamination

• Heat seal layer used in general packaging

• Dairy packaging

• Juice and folding cartons

• Cups

• Paper

• Foil

• Carpet coating and backing

• Food pouches

• Cheese bags

• Can linings

• Photographic paper

• Potting soil bags

• Release paper

• Frozen food containers

• Paperboard trays

• Oven-safe paperboard trays


Solid food packaging 

There are many quality requirement to prevent migration of oil, grease and flavor/aroma when the coating is applied to an aluminum foil substrate. On aluminum substrates the coating also provides a heat sealable surface. When applied to reverse printed films the coating protects the printed surface.

Coating can be on one or both sides of the substrate though aluminum foils require 2 side coating. Two side coatings can be applied either by passing the web through the coating line twice or by one pass through a line fitted with twin coating systems.

Extrusion lamination involves casting the extrudate between two substrates. The extrudate then bonds the substrates together. Such laminates are often then coated on one surface either in-line or via a second pass through the line.

Aluminum based structures normally use monolayer coatings to give heat sealability. Coextrusion is reserved for barrier structures based on EVOH with no aluminum layer or combined bulk/tie layers or bulk/heat seal layers.

The major resin used is LDPE. Ionomers are used to give improved heat seal through contamination and higher bond strengths to aluminum. PP coatings give improved heat stability over LDPE. In recent years we have seen increase in use of structures based on barrier layers of EVOH or PA rather aluminum foil in order to reduce recycling problems.

*  Coffee sachets

High gloss lacquer/Paper/LDPE/Al/LDPE/Ionomer 

Aluminum foil gives aroma barrier. Ionomer gives good heat seal


*  Butter Wrap


Aluminum gives fold retention.


Nut Pouch

Coated paper/LDPE/metallized PET/LDPE

Print layer on paper. Barrier from metallized PET.

Sealability from LDPE


*  Powdered soup


Print layer on PET. EAA layers give good bond to PET and Al. LDPE gives sealability.


Aseptic Packaging

Aseptic packaging is defined as the filling of a commercially sterile product into a sterile container under aseptic conditions and hermetically sealing the containers so that reinfection is prevented.

Similar to any other process, final product should meet few quality criteria, such as acts as barrier to moisture and oxygen and prevents contamination with micro-organisms. Also prevents loss of flavor compounds from juices.


*  Juice, Milk Cartons

LDPE/Al/LDPE/Waxed Board

LDPE gives sealability. Aluminum gives barrier to oxygen and in fruit juices prevents loss of flavor compounds.


*  Juice, Milk Pouches

Oriented PA/LDPE


Polyamide gives toughness and puncture resistance with moderate oxygen barrier. EVOH gives high oxygen barrier. LDPE gives sealability.

Liquid/Paste Packaging

Acts as barrier to moisture and prevents loss of flavor compounds. Also needs to be tough and puncture resistant.


*  Juice, Milk Cartons

LDPE/Al/LDPE/Waxed Board

LDPE gives sealability. Aluminum gives barrier to oxygen and in fruit juices prevents loss of flavor compounds.

*  Juice, Milk Pouches

Oriented PA/LDPE


Polyamide gives toughness and puncture resistance with moderate oxygen barrier. EVOH gives high oxygen barrier. LDPE gives sealability.

In current era, the film industry continues to expand its frontier by facing challenges requiring further development and innovation in both resin and machinery design advances. This includes improvements in both monolayer and co-extrusion blown and cast film, as well as downstream conversion operations. Finally, increasingly complex structures combining lamination and co-extrusion are possibilities further extending the possibilities of plastics of packaging.

Only companies with strong commitment to research and development can provide developers with the tools to innovate new solutions in Extrusion Coating & Laminating process to keep up with today's markets demand. 



1-      Film Extrusion Manual - Second Edition, PROCESS, MATERIALS, PROPERTIES, TAPPI PRESS,

2-      Future direction of lamination in retort packaging, Packaging Films issue 4-2013, By Matt Tabassi


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Loss Prevention


On the surface

This article originally published on Plastics in Packaging Magazine, June 2013

On the surface

As plastics material science continues to advance retorted packaging technology, Matthew Tabassi* reviews the future role of laminated films

Today’s consumers are seeking flexible packaging formats that protect the flavor at the same time as the quality of the contents.

As a result, retortable and microwaveable flexible packs are top of the list of solutions and these are often produced by bonding two or more flexible materials. Usually each laminate film will have its own specific properties. To achieve the best result, there are some aspects that need to be considered before deciding what type of lamination will suit a particular application.

In conventional laminating processes, aluminum is considered a major component, usually bonded to a coextruded layer of polyamide (PA), PET or polystyrene film. Since aluminum is a perfect barrier but does not seal and has low puncture resistance, it will often be used in combination with another layer that makes up for its weaknesses.

For example, a structure with good sealing might include a PET film laminated to an aluminum foil and polypropylene. PP will provide the heat sealing capability along with strong puncture resistance.

But today’s fast-moving food packaging industry is not looking for a conventional lamination structure. When industries are looking for better barrier properties and, at the same time, cost saving of the final product, innovation of new structures is necessary.

There are no universal packaging solutions on the market, but new laminated structures offer desirable properties for specific types of food packaging.

Retorting is a process that uses heat and pressure to sterilize and cook food in a strong, sealed package. Retort pouches are made of laminated materials such as PET/aluminum foil/mHDPE (sealing medium), or PP/ink/metallized PP/PE (sealing medium). The latter is suitable for snack food or soft drink pouches.

However, by increasing the number of lamination layers, product shelf-life can be increased. A perfect retorted pouch needs to be a barrier to oxygen and moisture, and to protect the food from light, while the outer layer should be tough and printable.

In recent years, metal cans have been augmented by retort pouches because they are lighter and use less storage space. Retort pouches are also easy to open because of their tear notch and can be reheated by placing in boiling water for just a few minutes.

Since only retort pouches not containing aluminum foil could be placed in the microwave for reheating, new retort structure developments were essential.

There are basically two forms of microwaveable package. The first involves transparent materials such as paper, glass and a multitude of plastics materials - polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester, nylon, polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride.

These transparent materials allow microwaves to pass through the contents of the package and heat the product without interfering with the packaging materials. These packaging materials need to be compatible with elevated temperature and pressure demands.

The second type is called an active microwave package, which involves the use of materials that directly affect the product in the container. Here, susceptors are included into the materials, which absorb microwaves that in turn penetrate the packaging. This process raises the susceptor patch temperature to levels where it may then heat the food by conduction or by infra-red radiation.

The future of laminate applications is almost limitless, as the combination of different materials will meet almost every specific requirement. It does, of course, require state-of-the-art technology and know-how on the implementation, development and production of such packaging formats.

Shelf stability in food packaging and the emergence of newer packaging methods such as flexible pouches and paperboard cartons are key factors currently driving the retort packaging market.

The development and utilisation of retort packaging in North America and Europe has slowed due to competition from well-established frozen and canned product industries. In Japan, however, where these industries were small, the development of retort pouches has been stronger.

One of the materials that researchers have used as a retort substitute for aluminium foil is polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC), which enables the use of thinner films with improved barrier properties.

PVdC offers exceptional barrier resistance to oxygen and carbon dioxide and, unlike PA and EVOH, is not compromised by moisture.

For example, instead of a traditional lamination structure of ink/paper/LDPE/aluminum foil/primer/LDPE, we could use ink/paper/PVdC coating/primer/LDPE.

Further innovation has seen the use of laminating coating technology and done this process at on step as: PP/Tie/PVdC/Tie/PP//PET (or PS or BOPP).

The specific demands of a retort pouch remain consistent - high impact and shelf presence, resistance to high processing temperatures, and strong distribution challenges - but consumer goods companies continue to push the envelope by demanding increasingly convenient ways to build the packaging material.

And resin and machinery companies have risen to this challenge, developing clear packaging with the ability to be microwaved, along with added consumer benefits.



Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Biodegradable Films for Brighter Future

 By: Matthew Tabassi

Biodegradable Films

Biodegradable film technologies have enjoyed a tremendous increase in demand from the marketplace. This is largely due to an increased awareness of the environmental and performance attributes and benefits that these technologies bring to their users. Recent developments in polymer technology, manufacturing processes and complementary chemistries have provided possibility of the future generation of Biodegradable products to enter the marketplace. These products Include agriculture films, anti-static films, stretch films, masking films and films for other high technology applications. As these products become available globally, a much larger range of industries can effectively realize the environmental, economic and performance benefits of biodegradable technologies.

What is Biodegradable?

According to the FTC’s Green Guides, a product is biodegradable as long as it “will completely break down and return to nature (i.e., decompose into elements found in nature) within a reasonably short period of time after customary disposal.” In other words, the item will continue to disintegrate into small pieces until micro-organisms consume it.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Biodegradable polymers

• Process by which organic substances are broken down by the environmental effects and by the living organisms.

• Organic material can be degraded aerobically or anaerobically .

• Biodegradable matter is generally organic material such as plant and animal matter and other substances originating from living organisms, or artificial materials that are similar enough to plant and animal matter to be put to use by microorganisms.

• Biodegradable polymers are a kind of materials which degrades biologically.

• The biodegradability of plastics is dependent on the chemical structure of the material and on the constituent of the final product, not just on the basic materials used in the production.

Biodegradable Range

• Starch based products including thermoplastic starch, starch and synthetic aliphatic polyester blend, and starch and PVOH (polyvinyl alcohol) blends.

• Naturally produced polyester including PVB (polyvinyl butadiene).

• Renewable resource polyesters such as PLA (poly lactic acid).

• Synthetic aliphatic polyesters including PCL (poly caprolactone).

• Aliphatic-aromatic (AAC) co polyester.

• Hydro-biodegradable polyester such as modified PET.

• Water-soluble polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol and ethylene vinyl alcohol.

• Photo-biodegradable plastics.

• Controlled degradation additive master batches.

Classes of Biodegradable

• Compostable

• Hydro-biodegradable

• Photo-biodegradable

• Bioerodable

• Biodegradable

Starch-Based Polymers

• Our work relates to a biodegradable film prepared by chemical bonding of starch and polyethylene.

• Polyethylene is polyolefin having the most widest general application, coupling agent such as maleic anhydride, methacrylic anhydride or maleimide which bonds with starch and polyethylene, and Lewis acid catalyst and to a process for preparing thereof.


Common cornstarch has 25% amylose. The two remaining corn starches are high-amylose corn starches; one has 50% to 55% amylose, while the second has 70% to 75%.

Their size ranges between 5 microns and 20 microns

Mazie Starch

Maize starch has irregularly shaped granules. High-amylose starches also have an irregular shape, but tend to be smooth. Some of these are even rod-shaped. High-amylose starches have a narrower size range: 5 to 15 microns, or even 10 to 15 microns, depending on the variety.

Potato Starch

Potato starch has about 20% amylose. Potato starch granules are large with a smooth round oval shape. Of the starches commonly used for food, potato starch is the largest; its granules range in size from 15 to 75 microns.

Rice Starch

Common rice starch has an amylose: amylopectin ratio of about 20:80, while waxy rice starch has only about 2% amylose. Both varieties have small granule sizes ranging from 3 to 8 microns.

Tapioca Starch

Tapioca starch has 15% to 18% amylose. Tapioca granules are smooth, irregular spheres with sizes ranging from 5 to 25 microns.

Wheat starch

Wheat starch has an amylose content of around 25%. Its granules are relatively thick at 5 to 15 microns with a smooth, round shape ranging from 22 to 36 microns in diameter.

Soya Bean Starch

Soya bean starch has irregular shaped granules. Common Soya bean starch has 7% amylose. Its granules range in size from 10 to 90 microns.

Variety of Starch by Percentage


• Thermoplastic starch products.

• Starch synthetic aliphatic polyester blend

• Starch PBS/PBSA polyester blends

• Starch PVOH blends.

Thermoplastic Starch Products

• Thermoplastic starch biodegradable plastics (TPS) have a starch (amylose) content greater than 70%.

• It is based on vegetable starch, and with the use of specific plasticizing solvents, can produce thermoplastic materials with good performance properties and inherent biodegradability.

• This can be overcome through blending, as the starch has free hydroxyl groups, which readily undergo a number of reactions such as acetylation, esterification and etherification.

Starch Synthetic Aliphatic Polyester Blends

• Blends of biodegradable synthetic aliphatic polyesters and starch are often used to produce high quality sheets and films for packaging by flat-film extrusion using chill-roll casting or by blown film methods

• Approximately 50% of the synthetic polyester (at approximately $4.00/kg) can be replaced with natural polymers such as starch (at approximately $1.50/kg), leading to a significant reduction in cost.

• Furthermore, the polyesters can be modified by incorporating a functional group capable of reacting with natural starch polymers.

Starch and PBS/PBSA Polyester Blends

• Polyesters that are blended with starch to improve material mechanical properties are Polybutylene succinate (PBS) or polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA).

• At higher starch content (>60%), such sheets can become brittle.

• Plasticizers are often added to reduce the brittleness and improve flexibility.

• Starch and PBS or PBSA blends are used to produce biodegradable plastic sheet, which can be thermoformed into products such as biscuit trays or film products.


Starch-PVOH Blends

• Polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) is blended with starch to produce readily biodegradable plastics.


• Composting facilities or soil burial

• Anaerobic digestion

• Wastewater treatment facilities

• Plastics reprocessing facilities

• Landfill

• Marine and freshwater environments

• General open environment as litter.


• Activated sewage sludge will convert approximately 60% of a biodegradable polymer to carbon dioxide.

• The remaining 40% will enter the sludge stream where, under anaerobic digestion, it will be converted to methane.

• Any biodegradable polymer that meets the composability criteria will degrade even faster in a sewage environment.


• The rate of biodegradation in marine environments is affected by the water temperature.

• In cold waters, the plastic material may still be in a form that could endanger marine life for an extended period of time. It is found that plastic is fully degraded in 20-30 days in a compost environment .

• Thus seasonal and climatic effects on biodegradation rates need to be considered in relevant applications.


• Plastic litter causes aesthetic problems as well as danger to wildlife resulting from entanglement and ingestion of plastic packaging materials and lightweight bags. Wildlife losses are an issue for the conservation of biodiversity, and losses due to litter have caused public concern.

Future of Biodegradable plastics

• It is estimated that plastic waste generation will grow by 15% per year for the next decade.

• There is room for growth and expansion in many areas of the biodegradable plastic industry.

• Researchers worldwide are interested in the area of biopolymer development.

• Organic recovery (composting spent materials) is the most commonly applied waste reduction method.

• The nature of natural materials requires different considerations than those for synthetic materials.

• The biopolymer industry has a positive future, driven mainly by the environmental benefits of using renewable resource feedstock sources.

• The ultimate goal for those working in development is to find a material with optimum technical performance, and full biodegradability.


Material                                         PHR

• LDPE                                         100

• Maize Starch                             5-400

• Maleic Anhydride                     0.01-10

• Stearic Acid                              0.01-6

• Di-Cumyl Per Oxide                 0.01-1.0

• Manganese Stearate                  0.01-10

• Viton                                         0.01-10

Polymers Chemically Bonded by Starch



Wide ranges of food packaging can use Biodegradable film. More and more companies are switching to biodegradable and compostable films to help facilitate their sustainability initiatives.


These low-density polyethylene mulch films help vegetable producers achieve early, more lucrative markets by enhancing soil warming and earliness of crops. Biodegradable mulches of interest are those made from plant starches (corn or wheat) and are completely biodegrade in the soil.


Biodegradable shopping bags can be made "oxo-biodegradable" by being manufactured from a normal plastic polymer (i.e. polyethylene) or polypropylene incorporating an additive which causes degradation and then biodegradation of the polymer (polyethylene) due to oxidation.

Liquid Detergents

This application hinges on the principle of using biodegradable water soluble packaging to deliver unit dosage amounts of liquid detergent products. Active concentrate of liquid detergent ingredients is packaged in biodegradable water soluble films.

Toilet Blocks

The biodegradable water-soluble film can be used to pack all toilet blocks which helps in storing the toilet cleaning detergents safely in hospitals, hotels and in individual homes thereby ensuring that all toilets remain germ-free and smell clean.

Powdered Detergents

Biodegradable water-soluble film for powdered detergent pouches usually contains powdered ingredients that effectively dissolve in water.


• The nature of natural materials requires different considerations than those for synthetic materials.

• The biopolymer industry has a positive future, driven mainly by the environmental benefits of using renewable resource feedstock sources.

• The ultimate goal for those working in development is to find a material with optimum technical performance, and full biodegradability.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

PVC cling films processing


By: Matthew Tabassi


The use of PVC in the global markets continues to grow. In 2012, total 37.4 million tons of PVC worldwide was consumed (source:HIS/Vinnolit), although PVC has special significance for tube, profile and sheet production, it is also widely used in film manufacturing.

Polyvinyl chloride is the third most widely produced plastic, after polyethylene and polypropylene. PVC is widely used in construction because it is cheap, durable, and easy to assemble. PVC production is expected to exceed 56 million tons by 2017.

Global Polymer Market (208MMT)

PVC can be made softer and more flexible by the addition of plasticizers, the most widely used being phthalates. In this form, it is used in clothing and upholstery, and to make flexible hoses and tubing, flooring, to roofing membranes, and electrical cable insulation. It is also commonly used in figurines and in inflatable products such as waterbeds, pool toys, and inflatable structures.

In recent years however, researchers have noted health risks such as reproductive abnormalities and developmental effects in human. A number of substances have been identified as alternative plasticizers. These alternatives include citrates, sebacates, adipates, and phosphates.

They are being substituted in products that traditionally use phthalates, such as toys, childcare articles and medical devices.

Plastic food packaging film, popularly known as cling film, has literally revolutionized the food industry. It has become a major contributor to food safety, both protecting and preserving it. At the same time it is now regarded as an essential and cost-effective tool for food presentation.

Plasticized PVC films preserve the freshness of meat as they have high oxygen and water vapor transmission.  They are cost effective since they run satisfactorily on high-speed packing machines and are effective for display as they have good clarity and are resistant to handling due to their good elastic recovery and puncture resistance.  They have excellent cling and are easily heat-sealed

For catering and household use, thinner films with less plasticizers are supplied.  The benefits are the same as with meat wrapping with cling, clarity and strength being especially important.  

Yet for all its versatility and obvious benefits, there has been media speculation about its safety.   Cling film has been used in the USA and Europe for decades and scientific research has repeatedly shown it is perfectly safe to use.

Whatever material is chosen for packaging food there is always some transfer from the constituents of the package to foodstuffs.  A considerable amount of experimental work has been carried out to determine the migration from plasticized PVC into food.   This migration is at levels which are considered totally safe by health authorities and which fall well within European Union regulations.


PVC is a thermoplastic made of 56.5% chlorine, basically derived from industrial grade salt and 43.5% carbon that derived predominantly from oil / gas via ethylene.  This chlorine gives PVC excellent fire resistance; when PVC is set on fire, the flames go out as the fire source is removed due to the material’s self-extinguishing properties making it number one choice for the cable industry.

PVC is regarded as perhaps the most versatile thermoplastic resin, due to its ability to accept an extremely wide variety of additives: plasticizers, stabilizers, fillers, process aids, impact modifiers, lubricants, foaming agents, biocides, pigments, reinforcements. Indeed, PVC by itself cannot be processed! It must have at least a stabilizer, a lubricant, and if flexible, a plasticizers present.

Plasticized PVC films preserve the freshness of meat as they have high oxygen and water vapor transmission. They are cost-effective, since they operate satisfactorily on high-speed packing machines, and are effective for display, because they have good clarity. Their good elastic recovery and puncture resistance make them suitable for handling; they have excellent cling properties and can be easily heat-sealed

Average degree of polymerization of PVC resin

A good range of polymerization for PVC is around 1000 to 1300, if `P < 1000, the film mechanical properties are not good enough.  If`P > 1500, the extrusion processiblity is inferior because the viscosity of melt is increased, it is easy for degradation by the heat which is generated during extrusion process. The difference of degree of polymerization preferably is less than ± 300. 


In cling film usually manufacturers are using Dioctyl Adipate or DOA as plasticizers. DOA is an ester of  n-octanoland  Adipic acid. Its chemical formula is C22H42O4.

DOA features flexibility at low temperatures, good electrical properties, good resistance to weathering, and good stability to heat.

DOA is used to produce clear films for food packaging applications. In addition, it is compatible with nitrocellulose, ethyl cellulose, most synthetic rubbers, and high-butyryl cellulose acetate butyrates.

Short chain esters are used as high-boiling, biodegradable, low toxicity solvents and antiperspirants. Long chain esters of  Adipic acid are used as lubricants for the functions of stability, superior lubricity, corrosion protection, biodegradability, and excellent performance at both high and low temperatures.

Adipic acid esters (C5 - C10) are used as low-temperature-resistant and low viscosity plasticizers for polymers and cellulose esters.

If the plasticizers is less than 20 % by weight, the elongation of film, fluid ability, and heat stability for long run production will be affected defectively, if the plasticizers is more than 30%, there is weak film stiffness. 

Epoxidized Soybean oil

Epoxy resins are used as adhesives and structural materials. A polymer containing unreacted epoxide units is called a polyepoxide or an epoxy.

Polymerization of an epoxide gives a polyether, for example ethylene oxide polymerizes to give polyethylene glycol, also known as polyethylene oxide. It will improve heat stability during extrusion process.

If the epoxidized soybean oil is less than 10% by weight, the heat stability is not excellent during extrusion process. If the Epoxidized soybean oil is more than 20% by weight, it might affect the color of film.


The job of the stabilizer is to delay heat degradation so that the compound can be formed into a product before it degrades.

Normally Ca- Zn type stabilizers are using for the food packaging grade PVC cling film. The performance of more recent developments in calcium/zinc stabilizers also makes them potential technical alternatives to most other stabilizing systems, including lead and barium/zinc.

It normally adds in less than 1% by weight, preferably 0.8 –1.5%. If the stabilizer is less than 0.5, it is not stable thermally during extrusion process. If the stabilizer is more than 1 %, it will be bleed out on the film surface by long-term storage. Also it will take more time to gel with PVC resin and is difficult to mix homogeneously the resins during extrusion because of the slip property of stabilizer.

Anti-fog agent

Anti-fog agents, also known as anti-fogging agents and treatments, prevent the condensation of water on a surface in the form of small droplets which resemble fog.

Anti-fog treatments are often used for transparent glass or plastic surfaces in optics, such as the lenses and mirrors found in glasses, goggles, camera objectives, and binoculars.

Anti-fog treatments work by minimizing surface tension, resulting in a non-scattering film of water instead of single droplets, an effect called surfactant film or by creating a hydrophilic surface.


Lubricants are divided into two areas, internal and external lubricants. The transition between external and internal lubricating effect is fluid, however, – internal lubricants often also have a certain external lubrication effect and vice versa. Lubricants having both effects are therefore called “combined lubricants”.

Internal lubricants reduce the frictional forces occurring between the PVC molecule chains, thus reducing melt viscosity. They are polar and thus are highly compatible with PVC. They help achieve excellent transparency even at high dosages and do not tend to exudates, which helps optimizing welding, gluing, and printing properties of the final product.

External lubricants reduce the adhesion between PVC and metal surfaces. They are mostly non-polar such as paraffin and polyethylene waxes. The external lubrication effect is largely determined by the length of the hydrocarbon chain, its branching and its functional group. At high dosages they can lead to cloudiness and exudation.


The mixer and coolers are the heart of the compounding system. This includes the control panels for mixer/coolers, silos, and conveying systems. These are computer controlled in more modern systems. The following two types of mixers are used in flexible compounding.

1. Low Intensive Mixer (LIM)

LIMS are ribbon blender-type mixers that are jacketed for heating and cooling. They have closed barrels and spiral blades which normally run about 25 to 75 RPM. The blades are designed to move the material to the center of the barrel providing good mixing. The tip speed is normally about 6 meters per second.

Frictional heating is very minimum, so this causes large heat gradients within the ribbon blender.

Depending on the hardness of the flexible PVC compound being made, mixing times can be from one to six hours. Batch size may be up to 5000 pounds. Heating and cooling must be provided to this type of mixer.

2. High Intensive Mixer (HIM)

HIMs are like kitchen blenders with very high RPM's (500 to 1500). They achieve most of their heating from frictional heat. Depending on the manufacturer, one can have a variety of blades and blade designs. There are 2 to 4 blades in a normal mixer. Three blades are typical for flexible mixing and four blades for rigid mixing. The blades are designed to give homogenization to the resin and other ingredients. The tip speed is normally around 30-40 meters per second. Mixer size ranges from 10 to 1000 pounds. A typical cycle time will be from 4 to 10 batches per hour.

It is very important to have a good, deep vortex during most of the mixing cycle. The material must always be turning over and achieve a dry state before dropping to the cooler. If one looks down into the mixer, the material goes through several states. As resin is added, there is an uneven flow.

When adding the plasticizer, this state continues. Around 160°F, the resin starts to absorb the plasticizer and the vortex decreases. The material must continue to turn over to get a good mix. At powder peak, all plasticizer is absorbed and the flow in the mixer is nice and smooth. Mixer amperage should be observed and/or recorded. HIMs give the most uniform temperature for the entire batch while achieving uniform temperature the quickest.

After mixing is complete, the powder material must be cooled by dropping it into a cooler. Cooling is usually done in a low intensive mixer. Water is pumped through the water jacket to speed the cooling process. Coolers may be ribbon blenders, round-like pots, or barrel type, all of which are closed-type bowls. Some have blades or plows. The blades have an RPM of 50 to 100 with a tip speed of 6 meters per second. After cooling, the material should be screened for mixer build-up and foreign material. Screen size is normally from 10 to 30 mesh depending on the end product to be extruded. 

High Intensive mixer for PVC compounding

Courtesy of Dermak Makina


PVC is non-crystallizable polymer commercially even though there was reported 5-10% of crystal existed in certain process. The polymer is heated to a temperature at which it becomes a viscous liquid, and then it is cooled homogeneously to as near as the glass transition temperature, is practical for stretching. The material is stretched mono axially or biaxially either at a constant temperature or under a falling temperature gradient, and is subsequently quenched to below glass transition temperature.

Glass transition temperature of PVC will be vary by adding quantity of plasticizer. PVC glass transition temperature reported 105 °C without the plasticizer and 60 °C by adding 15% plasticizer. The glass transition temperature decrease in proportionally to the number of polymer molecule of plasticizer as additives. PVC processing temperature range is from 135ºC to 200ºC

PVC Cling film

                            Courtesy of Flextrusion Sdn. Bhd. 

The specific environment condition required for PVC cling film winding

 Extrusion environment required at absolute humidity 0.014 – 0.024 kg/m³ from die to film passing distance within 1m on the casting roll. If the absolute humidity is less than 0.014 kg/m³, the quantity of moisture on surface of film react with antifogging agent is not enough, unwinding distance of film will be less than 1000mm and slip property is not good enough for packaging process. If the absolute humidity is more than 0.024 kg/m³, the quantity of moisture on surface of film react with antifogging agent is excess and unwinding distance will be more than 1500mm and cling property will be decreased besides the slip property of film.

The film temperature before winding recommends 30ºC -35ºC for preventing entrapping air inside film roll. If film temperature is less than 30ºC, the film will harden and then the air will be entrapped inside of roll, unwinding distance will increase; cling force of film will decrease. If film temperature is more than 45 ºC, there is no film stiffness and then easy to block each film layer, unwinding distance will be decrease.

The film will shrink by the residual stress of winded film during packing process. In order to release the stress, generally film is heat up under tension or without tension during film casting process. But it is difficult to eliminate wrinkles of PVC stretch film.

To release winding stress on the film properties, carry out aging at least 24 hours to 72 hours at 35-50°C after winding.


When PVC is processed at high temperatures, it is degraded by dehydrochl ordination, chain scission, and cross-linking of macromolecules.

Free hydrogen chloride (HCl) evolves and discoloration of the resin occurs along with important changes in physical and chemical properties.

The evolution of HCl takes place by elimination from the polymer backbone; discoloration results from the formation of conjugated polyene sequences of 5 to 30 double bonds (primary reactions). Subsequent reactions of highly reactive conjugated polyenes crosslink or cleave the polymer chain, and form benzene and condensed and/or alkylated benzenes in trace amounts depending on temperature and available oxygen (secondary reactions).

The features of PVC cling film for food packaging

       Excellent Oxygen permeability

       Selective gas permeability

       Good anti-fogging effect

       Optimal stretching property

       Sufficient elastic property

       Excellent cold temperature application

       Excellent cling property

       Safe products for food packaging (all components are for food grade)

       Transparent (See-through effect)

       Thin gauge

       Optimal machine-ability for automatic packing.


PVC cling wrap, commonly called cling film, is thin flexible PVC film often 8-10 microns with tear resistant properties.

Uncovered foods are at the risk of contamination from microorganisms and PVC cling film is a major contributor to food safety during transportation, distribution and storage of food products. Despite its versatility and obvious advantages, there has been substantial speculation about the safety of cling film.

Likely the key message is that all plasticizers are not the same and regulations statues of various plasticizers vary considerably! PVC cling film which compounded with an Adipate plasticizer has been safely used in food packaging for decades.

Food Grade PVC Cling film



1.       Loftus, N.J. Laird, W.J.D., Steel, G.T., Wilks, M.F. and Woollen, B.H. (1994) Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of deuterium labelled di-2-(ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) in humans.  Fd Chem. Toxic., 31 (9), 609-614.

2.       Loftus, N.J., Woollen, B.H., Steel, G.T., Wilks, M.F. and Castle, L. (1994). An assessment of the dietary uptake of di-2-(ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) in a limited population study. Fd Chem Toxic., 32 (1),1-5.



5.       Oxy Vinyls, LP, Mixing Flexible PVC Compound, Technical Report #52

6.       A. Baruya , D. L. Gerrard , W. F. Maddams Resonance Raman spectrum of degraded poly(vinyl chloride). 4. Determination of conjugated polyene sequence lengths

7.       Phthalates and their Alternatives: Health and Environmental Concerns, by The Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts

8.       DEHA Fact Sheet DEHA Fact Sheet 2012, South African Vinyls Association.